A Deeper Connection
Deep tissue massage involves the manipulation of the deeper layers of muscle and soft tissue in the body. We use oils and direct pressure to relax the upper layer of muscle and soft tissue in order to reach the deeper layers.
Deep tissue massage provides both physical and psychological benefits, including relieving chronic muscle tension, reducing spasms, increasing joint mobility and relieving stress.
The benefits of deep tissue massage can include relief from chronic muscle tension and reducing spasms.
Our dedicated and qualified massage therapists are on hand to provide you with an exceptional deep tissue massage. Book an appointment today at our massage clinic in Cannington.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the side effects of a Deep Tissue Massage?
You can expect to feel a little sore for the following few days after a deep tissue massage. This can be due to the physical pressure applied to your muscle tissue and the nervous system response to the newly aligned muscle fibres. It should not be any cause for concern.If at any time you feel that the pressure being applied is beyond your limit to allow the treatment, and you feel that you are enduring the treatment please speak up and let your therapist know. The best results occur at the deepest level that you can allow and any deeper we will be fighting your nervous system which can have adverse effects.
Can I claim any health rebates from my Deep Tissue Massage?
Health fund rebates are available when receiving a deep tissue massage from a qualified remedial massage therapist. Depending on the level of your health cover, you may be eligible to claim money back.We have a HealthPoint machine (similar to HI-CAPS) available so you can claim on-the-spot, allowing you to only bare the cost of the GAP payment. Please be mindful HealthPoint does not recognise all health fund providers, so it may be necessary for us to generate an invoice for you in which you can manually claim through your health care provider. We can provide your invoice either via email or print you a hard copy.
How often should I get a Deep Tissue Massage?
For an average person dealing with minimal muscle tension and a mild level of stress, scheduling a 60-minute deep tissue massage once or twice a month should be sufficient.
What is the difference between a Deep Tissue Massage and a Sports Massage?
The name deep tissue massage explains itself. Pressure is adjusted to manipulate the deeper tissue layers in the body. Deep tissue layers lay on top of the muscle and the therapist works on these layers, but not so deep as to work all the way through like a sports massage. This type of technique and pressure is still efficient enough to release any newly formed or small knots, and to stretch stiff muscles. Big tension knots are caused by a build up over time, or because of injury and this is a job for a specially trained sports massage therapist.
In order to prevent or improve sports injuries, a sports massage manipulates the soft tissue (muscle) in order to prevent or improve any sports injuries. The sports massage therapist has medical knowledge to efficiently and safely manipulate the muscles making sure to not damage the fragile tissue any further. Always ensure the massage therapist is qualified to perform a sports massage before making a booking.
Is this a professional service only?
Yes, at MyoFix our therapists provide a strictly professional only massage service. If the therapist feels that the session has turned sexual for the client, male or female, he/she may stop the session to clarify the client’s intent, and may decide to end the session immediately.
If you have further questions which have not been answered here, be sure to head over to our FAQ section on our website.