What should I expect upon arrival?

If it is your first visit, you will be requested to arrive 10 minutes early to fill out a Client Intake Form. This allows the Massage Therapist to be aware of any health concerns you may have.

In our waiting area we have dōTERRA oils diffusing and calming music softly playing with two comfortable lounge chairs where you will be requested to take a seat until the Massage Therapist is available to commence with your therapy.

What should I expect at the beginning of the massage treatment?

The Massage Therapist will lead you to the treatment room where your therapy will take place. There will be dōTERRA oils diffusing, soft lighting and calm music playing in the room. The Massage Therapist will request you remove all jewelry, undress, leaving only your bottom half of your underwear on, to place all of your belongings in a basket then lie down on the table and cover (drape) yourself with the towel. You will be given privacy for a couple minutes to undress and get comfortable on the table. Once the Massage Therapist feels you’ve had enough time to do so, they will gently knock on the door asking if you’re ready for them to enter.

What should I expect during the massage treatment?

At all times you will have a towel draping over the half of your body which isn’t being worked on. The genitals (women and men) and breasts (women) will always remained covered. If the Massage Therapist needs to work on a woman’s abdomen a second towel will be used to cover the breasts so the main towel can be moved to expose the abdomen.

If the Massage Therapist wants you to adjust your position, they will either move you or request you to move as needed. Otherwise, change your position as needed to make yourself more comfortable.

Many people prefer to relax with their eyes closed during their session; while others prefer to talk. It is completely up to you with how you want your session to entail. Please do not hesitate to ask questions at anytime.

Will the massage hurt?

Massage should never feel painful. We always want to work within your limits, if you feel pain that is not tolerable you should let your massage therapist know immediately. We want to work with your nervous system and not against it, as beating you into submission will only leave you sore and worsen your condition. I like to use the phrase “comfortably uncomfortable” and this should be the level that we are aiming for – as deep as we can work while keeping you in a relaxed state. It may be necessary to receive multiple treatments for the nervous system to really respond and allow us to work into some sensitive areas.

How often should I get a massage?

This will be discussed after your treatment with the Massage Therapist. Depending on your body and if they have located any “problem areas”, you will generally be recommended to return at least once every 30 days. This is a way to maintain your body in attempt to prevent any pain or discomfort. If you should have any “problem areas” you will be recommended more frequent visits at the discretion of your Massage Therapist until the area has been addressed and rectified back to a more acceptable state. Regular massage has many benefits from healing mentally as well as physically.

Can I talk during my session?

Of course you are more than welcome to talk during your session. This is your time and your treatment, you can choose to talk if this makes you feel more comfortable or you desire this type of company. However, it is encourage to try and relax, allowing your mind to float free and enter a state of massage bliss. In many instances, people may feel more relaxed in starting off talking, then as the massage progresses, enter a quiet state of relaxation. Some people even fall into a deep sleep whilst undergoing their treatment.

It is very important to speak up immediately if the Massage Therapist should ever do anything which may make you feel uncomfortable. This includes the pressure of the massage, the music as well as the lighting or the temperature of the room. If something is not working for you, please do speak up, this is OK!

What should I expect once my massage treatment has been completed?

You will be advised by the Massage Therapist once your therapy has been completed. The Massage Therapist will leave the room for you to get dressed and put your jewelry back on. Once you’re ready you will leave the treatment room and return to the reception area. The Massage Therapist will ask you how you feel and will discuss with you a future therapy plan. You will also be given a bottle of filtered water as a massage can leave you quite dehydrated thus it’s important to drink fluid to bring your hydration levels back up to keep your body’s tissues hydrated and healthy.

If you have cover for Remedial Massage through your health insurance, we can process your claim via our HealthPoint machine allowing you to claim before you pay, leaving you to pay the GAP payment. Please do be aware HealthPoint cannot process all health funds and it may be necessary for us to generate an invoice for you which can be emailed or printed so you can claim through your health care provider at a later date. If your health fund is recognised with HealthPoint and you have cover for Remedial Massage you will only need to pay the GAP fee. 

Depending if you have health cover or not, you will be required to pay the balance or full amount of the treatment/s you’ve received as we do not allow any clients to have any outstanding monies to their name.

Can I claim any health rebates?

Depending on the level of your health cover, you may be eligible to claim. Please be aware at MyoFix Massage you can only claim for Remedial Massage in which our Massage Therapists have their own provider ID’s for you to claim against.

We have a HealthPoint machine (similar to HI-CAPS) available so you can claim on-the-spot, allowing you to only bare the cost of the GAP payment. Please be mindful HealthPoint does not recognise all health fund providers, thus it may be necessary for us to generate an invoice for you in which you can manually claim through your health care provider at a later time. We can provide your invoice either via email or print you a hard copy.

What are my payment options?

We accept Visa card, Mastercard or cash. We also have online bookings available and there is an option to pay online in advance.

We have gift certificates available for purchase if you should want to buy yourself a massage as a commitment to your body to utilise in the near future or for purchase as a gift for someone you want to spoil.

It is required to either pay in advance or upon completion of your therapy. We do not allow monies to remain outstanding thereafter.

How many sessions will I need?

Every one is different and every condition is unique to each person. It may take one session or it may take several. The Massage Therapist will be able to talk with you more specifically after your first session, once they’ve been able to evaluate your body’s tissues.

Do massages release toxins?

Massage, via the mechanical actions on the soft tissues, produces a dilation of the blood vessels which helps to improve your circulation. Massage helps to reduce the lack of blood and by direct pressure and stimulation reduces pain due to the irritation of nerves that control your circulatory system. Also, During a massage, lymphatic drainage stimulates the lymphatic system and increases lymph flow. Increasing lymph flow improves the efficiency of the lymphatic system. A more efficient lymphatic system can reduce the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness and decrease swelling, muscular fatigue, weakness and pain.

Why do you need to drink a lot of water after a massage treatment?

Due to the increase of circulatory systems within the body the demands for water are increased. It is advisable to drink at least 2-3 litres everyday for a person who is not under physical or heat stress. When these stresses are placed on the body water consumption should also be increased dramatically.

How do I get the most out of my massage?
  1. Be as open receptive to the massage process as possible.

  2. Don’t eat within the last hour before a massage session.

  3. Aim to be 5-10 minutes early, otherwise be on time.

  4. Remove only as much clothing as you are comfortable with.

  5. Always communicate with your massage therapist.

  6. Remember to breathe normally whilst in your session.

  7. Aim to relax your muscles and your mind.

  8. Drink extra water after completion of your massage.

  9. Take your time when getting up off the massage table. If you should start feeling dizzy, lay down and wait until you feel more balanced. 

  10. Be prepared to schedule several massage sessions – this will be discussed at the end of your first treatment once the Massage Therapist has determined the problem area and will help you understand the process to help rectify the issue. Massage has great benefits over time, the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond. Relaxation deepens as the chronic patterns of stress in the body are affected and released from one session to the next. More than one session is needed if you’re getting a massage to recover from a soft tissue injury or address chronic muscular tension.

How will I feel after my massage treatment?

Most of our clients feel very relaxed, some even feel a significant relief of freedom from long-term aches and pains.

When should I not get a massage?

You should not book an appointment if you are suffering from cold or flu like symptoms as massage increases the flow of circulatory systems and can spread and worsen your disease.

There are many other conditions that may be contra indicated to massage, such as varicose veins, fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, broken bones, dislocated joints, heat or inflammation, open wounds, infectious skin conditions. This does not mean that you can’t receive massage, however it may limit the amount of pressure or the areas that we can work on.

Note:  you will require a medical clearance for cancer massage.